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Tree Field Guides 

Title: 葉っぱで見分け五感で楽しむ樹木図鑑 (Happa de miwake gokan de tanoshimu jumokuzukan)

Author: 林将之 (Hayashi Masayuki)

Publishing Date and Publisher: 2014, ナツメ社

Language: Japanese

Written entirely in Japanese, but includes Latin names. This field guide features very good close-up pictures of each leaf species and offers detailed sensory descriptions (i.e. smell, texture, etc) for various species. Does not often include bark pictures. Not quite pocket sized, but quite a small book- good for a hike. Index by Japanese name only. 

Title: 樹皮・葉でわかる樹木図鑑 (Juhi・Hadewakaru jumokuzukan)

Author: 菱山忠三郎 (Hishiyama Chuzaburo)

Publishing Date and Publisher: 2011, 成美堂出版

Language: Japanese

Excellent reference material and field guide. Book is on the large side, but definitely worth taking in the field. Offers a comparison of all leaves, bark types, and tree shapes at the front of the book, which makes it very easy to ID most species. 

Title: Smithsonian Nature Guide: Trees 

Author: Tony Russell

Publishing Date and Publisher: 2012, Dorling Kindersley

Language: English

This guide is not specific to trees in Japan, but includes excellent information on basic tree biology and classification. Some of the species found on this site can be found here. For our purposes, this book was used mostly as a reference material after we had identified the species using one of the Japanese field guides above. Not the most useful for field IDs, as it does not include enough species markers. 

Insect Field Guides 

Title: 日本の昆虫1400 (1) チョウ・バッタ・セミ (ポケット図鑑)  (Nihon no Konchu 1400 (1) Chou, Batta, Semi (Poketto Zukan))

Author: 高井 幹夫, 奥山 清市, 長島 聖大, 井村 仁平, 槐 真史, 伊丹市昆虫館

Publishing Date and Publisher: (2013/4/15), 文一総合出版

Language: Japanese

Written entirely in Japanese, but includes Latin names. Includes pictures and information on butterflies, grasshoppers, cicadas, moths, shield bugs, water striders, and more. This is the first volume of two. Small and pocket-sized, good for the field. 

Title: 本の昆虫1400 (2) トンボ・コウチュウ・ハチ (ポケット図鑑) (Nihon no Konchu 1400 (2) Tombo, Kouchuu, Hachi (Poketto Zukan))

Author: 高井 幹夫 , 奥山 清市, 長島 聖大 , 井村 仁平, 市毛 勝義, 佐藤 和樹, 中島 淳, 横川 忠司, 槐 真史, 伊丹市昆虫館

Publishing Date and Publisher: (2013/5/20), 文一総合出版

Language: Japanese

Written entirely in Japanese, but includes Latin names. Includes pictures and information on dragonflies, beetles, wasps, flies, ants, bees, and more. This is the second volume of two. Small and pocket-sized, good for the field. 

Online Resources

Plant Identification: Examining Leaves

Oregon State University, Department of Horticulture


Good introduction to botanical terminology and the general categories leaves are classified into for the sake of identification. Knowing these terms are helpful as many identification resources are jargon-heavy. 


What Tree is That?

Arbor Day Foundation


While this interactive identification tool is made for U.S. tree species, it can be helpful to click through the various option available to learn how leaves are classified and what to look for when out in the field. 



Street Trees of Tokyo

Last updated 2017

English and Japanese

Personal website of a member of the Japan Plant Club. Lists the most common street trees found in Tokyo, along with some basic information and pictures. 

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